A Study of The Academic Affairs Administration of School Administrators According to Teachers’ Opinions in Rayong City Municipality,Rayong Province
The objectives of this research are to study and compare the academic affairs administration of school administrators according to teachers’ opinions in Rayong City Municipality, Rayong Province, classified by the respondent's status. This study was the survey research with the sample of 165 teachers in Rayong City Municipality in the academic year 2014. The tool used for collecting data was a questionnaire with the reliability value at 0.97 The statistics for analyzing data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.
The research findings revealed that the overall of teachers’ opinions in Rayong City Municipality, Rayong Province towards the academic affairs administration of school administrators, was at high level. When considering each aspect, the highest mean of teachers’ opinion was the educational measurement. The second rank was evaluation and the academic action planning, and the last was the teaching media. In comparing teachers’ opinions, the finding showed that the teachers with the differences of gender, educational degree and work experiences had their overall opinions indifferently towards the school administrators in Rayong City Municipality, Rayong Province, whereas the teachers who had the different in gender had different opinions on the measure and evaluation at the statistically significant level of 0.05. The teachers who had the different experiences expressed different opinions on the learning management at the statistically significant level of 0.05.
Keywords: Academic affairs administration, School administrators
An Analysis of Ordinary National Education Test Result of Grade 6 and 9 Students in the Phuket province in the academic year of 2010 and 2013
The purposes of this study were; 1) to investigate the test scores of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) in eight major subjects which were administered for elementary students level 6 (Prathomsuksa 6) and secondary students level 3 (Matthayomsuksa 3) of the academic year 2010 and 2013 in Phuket; 2) to compare the students’ the O-NET scores between the different types of schools: the Phuket City Municipality , the Office of the Private Education Commission, the Local Administrative Organization, Phuket primary
educational service area office and the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 14; and 3) to analyze the quality of the O-NET test. There were 9,451 students from 53 schools: elementary and secondary levels who had participated the O-NET test of the academic year 2010 and 2013; were joined in this study. In addition, two school directors and twenty one teachers attended the focus group meeting in order to analyze the quality of the O-NET test. The results illustrated that; the highest O-NET scores of the elementary students level 6 in 2010 and 2013 were the health and physical education subject. However, the lowest scores were the foreign language subject. Similarly, the secondary students level 3 got the highest scores in the health and physical education subject; whereas, their scores of the foreign language and math subjects were the lowest. Furthermore, both schools in the Phuket City Municipality and the Office of the Private Education Commission reached the highest O-NET scores of the elementary level 6 respectively. In contrast, the schools in the Local Administrative Organization and the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 14 took the highest scores of the secondary level 3 consecutively. Moreover, the gathered opinions and suggestions from the focus group meeting towards the design of the O-NET test ought
to specify the educational standard points or the indicators in all subjects and informed the public in advance. It was also summarized that the test could have various types of test not only multiple choice, and the test should be carried out in the type of pararell by switching the test item which has to be concerned about the difficulty levels and the appropriate length of time. Also, the content of the test should be reviewed in case of preparing students for testing. Finally, the schools should utilize the results of the O-NET score to improve the students’ capability in all subjects.
The Factors Affecting Decisions of Undergraduate Students on Taking Extra English Courses in Tutorial Schools in Muang District, Chiang Mai*
Tippayapud Chaidaecha** Dutsadee Roongrattanakool***1
Abstract The purpose of this study was aimed to study the factors affecting the decisions of under graduate students on taking extra English language courses in tutorial schools in Muang District, Chiang Mai, and the researcher adapted the factors based on the 8 Ps of services marketing by Lovelock and Wirtz (2007). The researcher collected data from 385 undergraduate students who were taking extra English classes in tutorial schools in Muang District, Chiang Mai during the second semester of the academic year 2014. The result was shown that all factors were very important in affecting the decisions of undergraduate students on taking extra English courses in tutorial schools in Muang District, Chiang Mai. However, the mean of people was the highest factor, followed by product elements, promotion, productivity and quality, place, process, physical environment and price, respectively. This study also showed that the mean of People was the highest factor for first and second year level of undergraduate students while the mean of Product Elements was the highest factor for third and fourth year or higher level of undergraduate students. The lowest factor for all year levels of undergraduate students was the mean of price.
Keywords: the factors based on Lovelock and Wirtz’s (1992) the 8 Ps of services marketing, extra English courses, tutorial schools, undergraduate students
The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Education: Development, Trends, and Challenges
………………………………………………………………………….. Donald F. Kuratko
Entrepreneurship has emerged over the last two decades as arguably the most potent economic force the world has ever experienced. With that expansion has come a similar increase in the field of entrepreneurship education. The recent growth and development in the curricula and programs devoted to entrepreneurship and new–venture creation have been remarkable. The number of colleges and universities that offer courses related to entrepreneurship has grown from a handful in the 1970s to over 1,600 in 2005. In the midst of this huge expansion remains the challenge of complete academic legitimacy for entrepreneurship. While it can be argued that some legitimacy has been attained in the current state of entrepreneurship education, there are critical challenges that lie ahead. This article focuses on the trends and challenges in entrepreneurship education for the 21st century.
A randomized, controlled clinical trial of education and physical training for women with fibromyalgia.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Burckhardt CS , Mannerkorpi K , Hedenberg L , Bjelle A
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of self-management education and physical training in decreasing fibromyalgia (FMS) symptoms and increasing physical and psychological well being. METHODS: A pretest-posttest control group design was used. Ninety-nine women with FMS were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups; 86 completed the study. The education only group received a 6-week self-management course. The education plus physical training group received the course and 6 h of training designed to assist them to exercise independently. The control group got treatment after 3 months. RESULTS: The experimental programs had a significant positive impact on quality of life and self-efficacy. Helplessness, number of days feeling bad, physical dysfunction, and pain in the tender points decreased significantly in one or both of the treated groups when retested 6 weeks after the end of the program. Longterm followup of 67 treated subjects showed significant positive changes on
the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire primarily in the physical training group. Among all subjects, 87% were exercising at least 3 times/week for 20 min or more; 46% said they had increased their exercise level since participating in the program; 70% were practicing relaxation strategies as needed; 46% were working at least half time as opposed to 37% at pretest. CONCLUSION: Self-efficacy of the treated groups was enhanced significantly by the program. Other changes were smaller and more delayed than had been expected. Recommendations for future trials include a longer education program, more vigorous physical training, and longterm followup.
An Evaluation of an Innovative Multimedia Educational Software Program for Asthma Management: Report of a Randomized, Controlled Trial
Charles Homer, Oded Susskind, Hillel R. Alpert, MPM§; Celestina Owusu, Lynda Schneider, Leonard A. Rappaport, David H. Rubin
Background. Asthma continues to be a substantial cause of morbidity in pediatric populations. New strategies are needed to provide cost-effective educational interventions for children with asthma, particularly those in the inner city.
Objective. To assess the effectiveness of a multimedia educational software program about asthma.
Setting. A hospital-based primary care clinic and an affiliated neighborhood health center.
Design. Randomized, controlled trial.
Population. Children 3 to 12 years old with physician-diagnosed asthma.
Intervention. An interactive educational computer program, Asthma Control, designed to teach children about asthma and its management. Using a graphic display of a child going through simulated daily events, the game emphasizes: 1) monitoring; 2) allergen identification; 3) use of medications; 4) use of health services; and 5) maintenance of normal activity. Control group participants reviewed printed educational materials with a research assistant.
Outcomes. Acute health care use (emergency department and outpatient) was the primary outcome. Secondary outcome measures included maternal report of asthma symptom severity, child functional status and school absences, satisfaction with care, and parental and child knowledge of asthma.
Results. A total of 137 families were enrolled in the study (76 intervention, 61 control). Both intervention and control groups showed substantial improvement in all outcomes during the 12-month follow-up period. Aside from improvement in knowledge after use of the computer program, no differences were demonstrated between the 2 groups in primary or secondary outcome measures. Children reported enjoyment of program use.
Conclusions. This trial of an educational software program found that it did not produce greater improvement than occurred with review of traditional written materials. Because both groups showed substantial improvement over baseline, computer-based education may be more cost-effective. Alternatively, improvements in illness severity over time may overshadow the effects of such interventions.
Rigorous comprehensive evaluations such as this are necessary to assess new interventions intended to improve management and outcomes of asthma.
Natural resources, education, and economic development
Economic growth since 1965 has varied inversely with the share of natural capital in national wealth across countries. Four main channels of
transmission from abundant natural resources to stunted economic development are discussed: (a) the Dutch disease, (b) rent seeking, (c) overconfidence, and (d) neglect of education. Public expenditure on education relative to national income, expected years of schooling for girls, and gross secondary-school enrolment are all shown to be inversely related to the share of natural capital in national wealth across countries. Natural capital appears to crowd out human capital, thereby slowing down the pace of economic development.
Treatment Foster Care: Toward Development Of Community-Based Models For Adolescents With Severe Emotional And Behavioral Disorders
Kevin J. Moore, Patricia Chamberlain
Currently, there is a severe lack of midrange community-based treatment models for adolescents with severe emotional and behavioral disorders (SED)
(Wells&Whittington, 1990). The Treatment Foster Care (TFC) program has the potential to expand the development of such models for these youths. The aim of TFC is to provide a community-based, relatively nonrestrictive treatment in a setting where youths are not separated from nondisabled peers or isolated from their own families. TFC can be used before youths with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) are placed in more restrictive institutional treatment settings. In addition, TFC appears to be a promising model to include when out-of-home and/or out-of-community placements are considered for children and adolescents with EBD. This article presents the program components and research direction of the Oregon Social Learning Center's TFC program for adolescents who have SED and need outof-home care. The article concludes with a case study of a typical program  intervention in an educational setting.

